Masterclasses & Workshops

Mei and Yannis will propose a contemporary dance workshop of two hours that revolves around the creation process of their duet « Very Tiny Little Drop of Wax ». The creation of the piece required the implementation of a specific choreographic langage, that Mei and Yannis have developed through sessions of exploration and research. They have targeted concrete, inspiring and playful tools that they will share with the participants. Via improvisation tasks, sessions of creation, collaboration, but also by teaching material from the duet, they will invite the dancers to have a deeper look and interest at specific body textures, unusual and unexpected ways of motion, extraverted and introverted stage presence, partnering skills, theatricality of the body, specific approach of the floor, as well as the capacity of listening and reacting to different stimulus, through the body. By opening a movement laboratory they would like to invite the participants to develop their own imaginative worlds while learning new skills, based on the physical atmospheres they will share with them. How can the body be a humorous tool in spite of itself ? How an ambiguous presence can trigger various physical states ? How can the bizarre open new doors for exploration ? How can we work on different plasticity, textures, games with our bodies ?

Amateur / 25 February / 10h-12h

Pro / 24 February / 13h-15h

TROIS C-L | 12, rue du Puits
L-2355 Luxembourg


« A very tiny little drop of wax »

Rather than taking an autobiographical perspective, Mei Chen and Yannis Brissot endeavour to embody Edith Piaf's emotional and physical states, her intensity of being, but also her fragility and instability – from her beginnings as a street artist suddenly thrust into the limelight, to her relationship with addiction, traversing the darkest moments of her life. Like two spectres, the performers navigate slippery slopes, brushing against death with each step in a mysterious and enveloping darkness. Very tiny little drop of wax is a bodily stuttering, an abyssal decrepitude, for two bodies too young to be old.

24 February 20h

4, Um Kinneksbond | L-8210 Mamer
B.P. 45 | L-8201 Mamer